
Berlin Sketches: Rütli School Neukölln

Starting today, I will roam the city of Berlin in search of interesting topics like colorful surroundings, animated street life, striking little moments, and all sorts of facts or observations worthwhile to report on.

An intriguing kick-off might be the nationwide famous Rütli School about which legends abound. The photos below show the school as well as its rather idyllic surroundings.
An open letter from the school's faculty complaining about increasing violence among pupils and against faculty members caused an uproar amongst the German media  in 2006 (article in Spiegel international).
Over 80% of the pupils are from a non-German background. Most of them have Turkish or Arabic roots, and most of them are "good" kids, no matter what a fuss the media make of it.

By no means is Neukölln a dangerous neighborhood. To describe it as colorful would be a lot more accurate: This district of Berlin is inhabited by people from 160 different nations living quite peacefully together.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva,
    Als langjähriger ehemaliger Neuköllner freue ich mich sehr über deine Initiativ.
    Neukölln ist ziemlich sonderbar und voll von Leben.
    Francois F.
